Do you like to eat your hot dogs hot… or frozen? Apparently, some now have the chance to decide thanks to Oscar Mayer’s new “cold dogs.” You heard that right. The company, with roots in Chicago, announced on Twitter Thursday that it had launched a hot dog-flavored “frozen pop.” Wondering how that might taste? The new creation has “both refreshing and smokey, umami notes of Oscar Mayer’s iconic wiener — all topped with a signature swirl of ‘mustard,'” according to its description. The treat combining two summer favorites in an unexpected way is available at Popbars in Long Beach, Atlanta, New Orleans and New York City. It’s unclear if the encased meat giants plan on expanding the launch to additional cities. Not sure if you love it or hate it? Even Oscar Mayer acknowledged the combination of hot dogs and popsicles could walk a fine line. The company has asked its fans to decide if the creation is #StupidorGenius. “Some called it stupid, many called it genius,” the tweet read. “After the overwhelming fan excitement for our beloved Cold Dog, it was a no-brainer to make this hot dog-inspired frozen pop a reality,” Anne Field, head of North American Brand Communications for Oscar Mayer, said in a statement. “For more than 130 years, Oscar Mayer has been sparking smiles and bringing levity into everyday moments, and we are thrilled to bring fans another wonderfully odd way to enjoy our iconic wiener while beating the summer heat.” For their part, Popsicle addressed its new “competition” by saying on Twitter the company has “had nightmares about this.” The creation is the latest in a series of unusual releases from Oscar Mayer. Earlier this year, they debuted bologna-inspired face masks. Whether or not you find the most recent creation #StupidorGenius, we want to know. Tell us in the comments below. This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser.
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